The most original job interview procedure that you have ever seen

Standard questions. Prepared answers. If job interviews are all the same, how to find the right talent among 1734 applicants?

At Heineken they decided to do it completely different: an interview for which no preparation is possible. What would you think and do if the interviewer takes you by the hand like a child and walk you to his office? Or if your interviewer suddenly falls on the ground? Or if you suddenly need to assist in an emergency situation?

Next step in the selection procedure was to vote, by the Heineken Internet community, on the best 3 applications which were selected. The result? One winner! During the opening ceremony of Juventus Chelsea, which was completely sold out, Juventus announced who got the job. No shortage of drama at Heineken! While the winner himself – already participating in the ceremony – could watch the monitor, everything fell into place and it became clear why those absurd events were being held.

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