Refer a friend and get $10,000 and a year’s supply of beer

I love creative recruitment campaigns! And Hipster, a tech start-up in San Francisco, has been successful in attracting promising Mobile Engineers and Ruby Engineers, coming from companies like Google, Twitter, SalesForce, Oracle and AOL, to its company with a great referral campaign and an special attention-getting offer; $10,000 in cash and a year’s supply of PBR beer. The company is also offering a a hip bicycle, authentic skinny jeans, a pair of Buddy Holly glasses, a pair of worn boots and a mustache-grooming service.

The reward would be delivered to anyone hired through the campaign or to anyone who referred someone who was then hired. According to an interview in New York Times the reward was designed to resonate with the company’s name. Doug Ludlow, one of the founders of Hipster, told the New York Times: “As you know, recruiting is insanely competitive right now, so we wanted to do something that would break through the noise, and get the attention of the people we’re trying to reach”. Within a week they received 240 applications of which nearly half were related to marketing and sales, and roughly 40 percent were from developers.

About Hipster

Hipster is building a fun way to uncover the vast amount of information about real-world locations that isn’t yet available online. Based in SOMA, San Francisco, and founded in 2010 by Doug Ludlow, Ethan Czahor, and Steffen Hoffman, Hipster is tackling a really large problem in a really large market in a really unique way.

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