Smart searching for companies on LinkedIn

Did you know that LinkedIn has extensive search capabilities for companies, much like when searching for people? The video below gives you an impression of what is possible and gives some useful tips, like search for products instead of company names. Use it to identify your personal labor market and reach out to interesting companies.

The next steps are:

  1. Follow interesting companies, through Follow Companies, in order to stay informed of news, personnel changes and vacancies
  2. Search for staff / managers who are willing to answer work-related (Job Inquiries) questions and / or contact with Recruiters and HRM people
  3. Let your personal network introduce to the company
  4. Do company “research” based on the statistical information that LinkedIn has collected and categorized
  5. Prepare better for an interview or meeting by reading the profile


About Jacco Valkenburg

Jacco Valkenburg is an international recruitment expert, trainer and author (5 books). He has more than 20 years experience in global recruitment strategies and execution spanning numerous countries for leading companies. As founder of Recruiter University and Recruit2 he provides companies with recruitment training and consultancy. His mission is helping companies ‘from good to great staffing’.

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